Bức xạ Ion hoá không chỉ được tìm thấy trong các lò phản ứng hạt nhân mà còn trong các vật chất xung quanh ta như các loại đá tự nhiên, đá quý, gốm,...,Cảm biến bức xạ Ion hoá DFRobot Gravity: Geiger Counter Module Ionizing Radiation Detector giúp bạn phát hiện cường độ bức xạ này trong môi trường. Xin lưu ý sản phẩm này không phải là dụng cụ đo lường chuyên nghiệp và chỉ thích hợp cho nghiên cứu nguyên tắc và trình diễn giảng dạy, không dùng để đo liều bức xạ ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến an toàn cá nhân.
Ionizing radiation, an invisible and intangible enemy, exists not only in nuclear power plant reactors. In fact, we are bombarded by radiation from the surrounding environment and outer space all the time, and fortunately, our body is strong enough to resist the natural background radiation.
No active contact does not mean that high-energy ionizing radiation will not be encountered. Natural marble building materials, ore gems with different colors, and "negative ion powder" of unknown composition may contain different amounts of radioactive elements. With a Geiger counter, these radioactive sources have nowhere to hide.
The Geiger counter can only detect ionizing radiation, such as nuclear radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, etc. Electromagnetic radiation such as microwave oven radiation, mobile phone radiation, WiFi radiation, induction cooker radiation can not be detected.
In addition, the Geiger counter is a good random number generator, and undetermined high-energy particle ionization events can provide enough random entropy to get you a truly random number, rather than a fixed random sequence based on a random algorithm.
This product is not a professional measuring instrument and is only suitable for principle research and teaching demonstration. Not for use in radiation dose measurement that directly affects personal safety.
Geiger Counter
M4011 Geiger Tube
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Bức xạ Ion hoá không chỉ được tìm thấy trong các lò phản ứng hạt nhân mà còn trong các vật chất xung quanh ta như các loại đá tự nhiên, đá quý, gốm,...,Cảm biến bức xạ Ion hoá DFRobot Gravity: Geiger Counter Module Ionizing Radiation Detector giúp bạn phát hiện cường độ bức xạ này trong môi trường. Xin lưu ý sản phẩm này không phải là dụng cụ đo lường chuyên nghiệp và chỉ thích hợp cho nghiên cứu nguyên tắc và trình diễn giảng dạy, không dùng để đo liều bức xạ ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến an toàn cá nhân.
Ionizing radiation, an invisible and intangible enemy, exists not only in nuclear power plant reactors. In fact, we are bombarded by radiation from the surrounding environment and outer space all the time, and fortunately, our body is strong enough to resist the natural background radiation.
No active contact does not mean that high-energy ionizing radiation will not be encountered. Natural marble building materials, ore gems with different colors, and "negative ion powder" of unknown composition may contain different amounts of radioactive elements. With a Geiger counter, these radioactive sources have nowhere to hide.
The Geiger counter can only detect ionizing radiation, such as nuclear radiation, X-rays, cosmic rays, etc. Electromagnetic radiation such as microwave oven radiation, mobile phone radiation, WiFi radiation, induction cooker radiation can not be detected.
In addition, the Geiger counter is a good random number generator, and undetermined high-energy particle ionization events can provide enough random entropy to get you a truly random number, rather than a fixed random sequence based on a random algorithm.
This product is not a professional measuring instrument and is only suitable for principle research and teaching demonstration. Not for use in radiation dose measurement that directly affects personal safety.
Geiger Counter
M4011 Geiger Tube