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Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 NoIR is a compact camera from Raspberry Pi for Night Vision. It offers an IMX708 12-megapixel sensor with HDR, and features phase detection autofocus. Camera Module 3 is available in standard and wide-angle variants, both of which are available with or without an infrared cut filter.
Camera Module 3 can be used to take full HD video as well as stills photographs, and features an HDR mode up to 3 megapixels. Its operation is fully supported by the libcamera library, including Camera Module 3’s rapid autofocus feature: this makes it easy for beginners to use, while offering plenty for advanced users. Camera Module 3 is compatible with all Raspberry Pi computers.
The PCB size and mounting holes remain the same as for Camera Module 2. The Z dimension differs: due to the improved optics, Camera Module 3 is several millimetres taller than Camera Module 2.
All variants of Camera Module 3 feature:
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Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 NoIR is a compact camera from Raspberry Pi for Night Vision. It offers an IMX708 12-megapixel sensor with HDR, and features phase detection autofocus. Camera Module 3 is available in standard and wide-angle variants, both of which are available with or without an infrared cut filter.
Camera Module 3 can be used to take full HD video as well as stills photographs, and features an HDR mode up to 3 megapixels. Its operation is fully supported by the libcamera library, including Camera Module 3’s rapid autofocus feature: this makes it easy for beginners to use, while offering plenty for advanced users. Camera Module 3 is compatible with all Raspberry Pi computers.
The PCB size and mounting holes remain the same as for Camera Module 2. The Z dimension differs: due to the improved optics, Camera Module 3 is several millimetres taller than Camera Module 2.
All variants of Camera Module 3 feature: