Danh mục

Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial

Loại: Default
Thương hiệu: Waveshare
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Mã sản phẩm: HS1453
Giá bán:

Cam kết

  • Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán
  • Tư vấn tận tâm Tư vấn tận tâm
  • Vận chuyển nhanh chóng Vận chuyển nhanh chóng
  • Bảo hành trách nhiệm Bảo hành trách nhiệm

Khuyến mại

  • Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các  đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)

Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial được sử dụng để chuyển giao tiếp RS232/485/422 sang Ethernet được cấu hình qua một Web Server tích hợp trong bộ chuyển, bộ chuyển được thiết kế cách ly tín hiệu chuẩn công nghiệp (Industrial Isolation) an toàn với khả năng cấp nguồn hoạt động qua cổng Ethernet (PoE).

This is a RS232/485/422 device data acquisitor / IoT gateway designed for industrial environment. It combines multi functions in one, including serial server, Modbus gateway, MQTT gateway, RS485 to JSON, etc. The module features RS232/485/422 and Ethernet port (PoE function optional), uses DC port (outer diameter: 5.5mm, inner diameter: 2.1mm) and screw terminals for power input. The case with rail-mount support, small in size, easy to install, cost-effective. It is suitable for applications like data acquisition, IoT gateway, safety & security IoT, and intelligent instrument monitoring...

SKU: 23626

Part Number: RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B)

Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Software Feature

  • Support TCP server, TCP client, UDP mode, and UDP multicast. When used as a TCP client, it also supports TCP server functions. It supports 30 TCP connections as a TCP server and 7 destination IPs as a TCP client.
  • The baud rate supports 1200~115200bps, the data bit supports 5~9 bits, and the parity bit can be in five ways: no parity, odd parity, even parity, mark, and space.
  • Supports the function of sending MAC address on device connection, which is convenient for cloud management of devices.
  • Provides a secondary development kit DLL development library for searching and configuring devices on the computer side.
  • Support Web browser configuration, support DHCP to obtain IP dynamically, and DNS protocol to connect domain name server address.
  • Support cloud remote search for devices, configure device parameters, and upgrade device programs.
  • Support viewing the TCP connection status, and the data sending and receiving of the serial port. The virtual serial port also supports the monitoring function.

Advanced Software Function

  • Support Modbus gateway function, support Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP. It can support storage-type Modbus, which can automatically collect and store device data; it also supports non-storage-mode Modbus gateways.
  • Support multi-host function: In the query mode of one question and one answer, it supports the network port to allow multiple computers to access the same serial port device at the same time.
  • Support MQTT gateway function.
  • Support JSON to Modbus RTU and 645-meter protocol, support upload data in HTTP POST, HTTP GET format.
  • Support NTP protocol to obtain network time, which is used for serial port output, and the latter is used for protocol content upload.
  • Supports custom heartbeat package and registration package functions: it can facilitate communication with the cloud and device identification.
  • Supports the function that TCP requires password authentication to establish a connection to ensure connection security.
  • Support the data transmission and delivery function with http, and the cloud can directly use the GET command of http to communicate with the serial port of the device.


  • For connecting the device and the cloud terminal as the IoT gateway.
  • Electricity, smart instruments, and energy consumption monitor.
  • Remote monitoring and program download for various automation PLCs.
  • Various configuration software and equipment communication interfaces.
  • Networking of equipment in the field of access control and security.
Bộ sản phẩm bao gồm:
  1. RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) x1

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial


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uniE735 uniE735 uniE735 uniE735 uniE735
Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial giá chỉ 790.000₫

Sản phẩm đã xem

Thông số kỹ thuật

Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial được sử dụng để chuyển giao tiếp RS232/485/422 sang Ethernet được cấu hình qua một Web Server tích hợp trong bộ chuyển, bộ chuyển được thiết kế cách ly tín hiệu chuẩn công nghiệp (Industrial Isolation) an toàn với khả năng cấp nguồn hoạt động qua cổng Ethernet (PoE).

This is a RS232/485/422 device data acquisitor / IoT gateway designed for industrial environment. It combines multi functions in one, including serial server, Modbus gateway, MQTT gateway, RS485 to JSON, etc. The module features RS232/485/422 and Ethernet port (PoE function optional), uses DC port (outer diameter: 5.5mm, inner diameter: 2.1mm) and screw terminals for power input. The case with rail-mount support, small in size, easy to install, cost-effective. It is suitable for applications like data acquisition, IoT gateway, safety & security IoT, and intelligent instrument monitoring...

SKU: 23626

Part Number: RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B)

Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Software Feature

  • Support TCP server, TCP client, UDP mode, and UDP multicast. When used as a TCP client, it also supports TCP server functions. It supports 30 TCP connections as a TCP server and 7 destination IPs as a TCP client.
  • The baud rate supports 1200~115200bps, the data bit supports 5~9 bits, and the parity bit can be in five ways: no parity, odd parity, even parity, mark, and space.
  • Supports the function of sending MAC address on device connection, which is convenient for cloud management of devices.
  • Provides a secondary development kit DLL development library for searching and configuring devices on the computer side.
  • Support Web browser configuration, support DHCP to obtain IP dynamically, and DNS protocol to connect domain name server address.
  • Support cloud remote search for devices, configure device parameters, and upgrade device programs.
  • Support viewing the TCP connection status, and the data sending and receiving of the serial port. The virtual serial port also supports the monitoring function.

Advanced Software Function

  • Support Modbus gateway function, support Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP. It can support storage-type Modbus, which can automatically collect and store device data; it also supports non-storage-mode Modbus gateways.
  • Support multi-host function: In the query mode of one question and one answer, it supports the network port to allow multiple computers to access the same serial port device at the same time.
  • Support MQTT gateway function.
  • Support JSON to Modbus RTU and 645-meter protocol, support upload data in HTTP POST, HTTP GET format.
  • Support NTP protocol to obtain network time, which is used for serial port output, and the latter is used for protocol content upload.
  • Supports custom heartbeat package and registration package functions: it can facilitate communication with the cloud and device identification.
  • Supports the function that TCP requires password authentication to establish a connection to ensure connection security.
  • Support the data transmission and delivery function with http, and the cloud can directly use the GET command of http to communicate with the serial port of the device.


  • For connecting the device and the cloud terminal as the IoT gateway.
  • Electricity, smart instruments, and energy consumption monitor.
  • Remote monitoring and program download for various automation PLCs.
  • Various configuration software and equipment communication interfaces.
  • Networking of equipment in the field of access control and security.
Bộ sản phẩm bao gồm:
  1. RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) x1

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare RS232/485/422 TO PoE Ethernet (B) Module, TCP/IP to Serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial

Bộ chuyển Waveshare Rail-Mount Serial Server, RS232/485/422 TO POE ETH (B) Module, TCP/IP to serial


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