***Lưu ý hiện tại Seeed Studio đã đổi tên gọi cũ Lora-E5 thành Wio-E5.
Wio-E5 mini is a compacted-sized dev board suitable for the rapid testing and building of small-size LoRa device and application prototyping. Wio-E5 mini is embedded with and leads out full GPIOs of Wio-E5 STM32WLE5JC. It has rich interfaces including UART, ADC, SPI, IIC,etc. Supporting Long Range protocol and global frequency, Wio-E5 mini is able to achieve a transmission range of up to 10 km in open area and ultra-low power consumption.
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***Lưu ý hiện tại Seeed Studio đã đổi tên gọi cũ Lora-E5 thành Wio-E5.
Wio-E5 mini is a compacted-sized dev board suitable for the rapid testing and building of small-size LoRa device and application prototyping. Wio-E5 mini is embedded with and leads out full GPIOs of Wio-E5 STM32WLE5JC. It has rich interfaces including UART, ADC, SPI, IIC,etc. Supporting Long Range protocol and global frequency, Wio-E5 mini is able to achieve a transmission range of up to 10 km in open area and ultra-low power consumption.