Danh mục

Mạch Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 RISC-V with Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, Zigbee, Thread

Loại: Default
Thương hiệu: Seeed Studio
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Mã sản phẩm: HS2007
Giá bán:

Cam kết

  • Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán
  • Tư vấn tận tâm Tư vấn tận tâm
  • Vận chuyển nhanh chóng Vận chuyển nhanh chóng
  • Bảo hành trách nhiệm Bảo hành trách nhiệm

Khuyến mại

  • Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các  đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)

Lưu ý: có thể mua thêm mạch Grove Shield For Seeed Studio XIAO giúp giúp ra chân GPIOs của mạch theo chuẩn connector Grove để kết nối với vô số các module và cảm biến trong hệ Grove System.

Seeed Studio XIAO Series are diminutive development boards, sharing a similar hardware structure, where the size is literally thumb-sized. The code name "XIAO" here represents its half feature "Tiny", and the other half will be "Puissant".

Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 is powered by the highly-integrated ESP32-C6 SoC, built on two 32-bit RISC-V processors, with a high-performance (HP) processor with running up to 160 MHz, and a low-power (LP) 32-bit RISC-V processor, which can be clocked up to 20 MHz. There are 512KB SRAM and 4 MB Flash on the chip, allowing for more programming space, and binging more possibilities to the IoT control scenarios.

XIAO ESP32C6 is Matter native thanks to its enhanced wireless connectivity. The wireless stack supports 2.4 GHz WiFi 6, Bluetooth® 5.3, Zigbee, and Thread (802.15.4). As the first XIAO member compatible with Thread, it's a perfect fit for building Matter-compliant projects, thus achieving interoperability in smart-home.


  • Enhanced Connectivity: Combines 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Bluetooth 5(LE), and IEEE 802.15.4 radio connectivity, allowing you to apply the Thread and Zigbee protocols.
  • Matter Native: Supports building Matter-compliant smart home projects thanks to its enhanced connectivity, achieving interoperability
  • Security Encrypted on Chip: Powered by ESP32-C6, it brings enhanced encrypted-on-chip security to your smart home projects via secure boot, encryption, and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
  • Outstanding RF performance: Has an on-board antenna with up to 80m BLE/Wi-Fi range, while reserving an interface for external UFL antenna
  • Leveraging Power Consumption: Comes with 4 working modes, with the lowest being 15 μA in deep sleep mode, while also supporting lithium battery charge management.
  • Dual RISC-V Processors: Incorporates two 32-bit RISC-V processors, with the high-performance processor running up to 160 MHz, and the low-power processor clocking up to 20 MHz
  • Classic XIAO Designs: Remains the classic XIAO designs of the thumb-size form factor of 21 x 17.8mm, and single-sided mount, making it perfect for space-limited projects such as wearables
  • Seamless integration with mainstream Cloud Platforms: ESP Rain Maker, AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

Tìm hiểu về Seeed Studio XIAO Series.

Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.

Video Review bởi Hshop Channel, hãy "Đăng ký" để ủng hộ kênh và luôn cập nhật các sản phẩm, công nghệ mới nhất trong lĩnh vực Điện tử & Robot nhé ^^


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Hshop.vn - Điện tử & Robot
uniE735 uniE735 uniE735 uniE735 uniE735
Mạch Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 RISC-V with Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, Zigbee, Thread giá chỉ 216.000₫

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Thông số kỹ thuật

Lưu ý: có thể mua thêm mạch Grove Shield For Seeed Studio XIAO giúp giúp ra chân GPIOs của mạch theo chuẩn connector Grove để kết nối với vô số các module và cảm biến trong hệ Grove System.

Seeed Studio XIAO Series are diminutive development boards, sharing a similar hardware structure, where the size is literally thumb-sized. The code name "XIAO" here represents its half feature "Tiny", and the other half will be "Puissant".

Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6 is powered by the highly-integrated ESP32-C6 SoC, built on two 32-bit RISC-V processors, with a high-performance (HP) processor with running up to 160 MHz, and a low-power (LP) 32-bit RISC-V processor, which can be clocked up to 20 MHz. There are 512KB SRAM and 4 MB Flash on the chip, allowing for more programming space, and binging more possibilities to the IoT control scenarios.

XIAO ESP32C6 is Matter native thanks to its enhanced wireless connectivity. The wireless stack supports 2.4 GHz WiFi 6, Bluetooth® 5.3, Zigbee, and Thread (802.15.4). As the first XIAO member compatible with Thread, it's a perfect fit for building Matter-compliant projects, thus achieving interoperability in smart-home.


  • Enhanced Connectivity: Combines 2.4GHz Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax), Bluetooth 5(LE), and IEEE 802.15.4 radio connectivity, allowing you to apply the Thread and Zigbee protocols.
  • Matter Native: Supports building Matter-compliant smart home projects thanks to its enhanced connectivity, achieving interoperability
  • Security Encrypted on Chip: Powered by ESP32-C6, it brings enhanced encrypted-on-chip security to your smart home projects via secure boot, encryption, and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
  • Outstanding RF performance: Has an on-board antenna with up to 80m BLE/Wi-Fi range, while reserving an interface for external UFL antenna
  • Leveraging Power Consumption: Comes with 4 working modes, with the lowest being 15 μA in deep sleep mode, while also supporting lithium battery charge management.
  • Dual RISC-V Processors: Incorporates two 32-bit RISC-V processors, with the high-performance processor running up to 160 MHz, and the low-power processor clocking up to 20 MHz
  • Classic XIAO Designs: Remains the classic XIAO designs of the thumb-size form factor of 21 x 17.8mm, and single-sided mount, making it perfect for space-limited projects such as wearables
  • Seamless integration with mainstream Cloud Platforms: ESP Rain Maker, AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

Tìm hiểu về Seeed Studio XIAO Series.

Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.

Video Review bởi Hshop Channel, hãy "Đăng ký" để ủng hộ kênh và luôn cập nhật các sản phẩm, công nghệ mới nhất trong lĩnh vực Điện tử & Robot nhé ^^


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