During the past year, Respeaker Mic Array V2.0 has been sold out for more than 10K units in the format of the development board. Customers keep requesting a complete device with an enclosure, which is challenging for them to design it, considering the acoustic principles.
And here Seeed provides the answer with ReSpeaker USB Mic Array:
The difference between the PCBA inside ReSpeaker USB Mic Array and Respeaker Mic Array V2.0:
Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.
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During the past year, Respeaker Mic Array V2.0 has been sold out for more than 10K units in the format of the development board. Customers keep requesting a complete device with an enclosure, which is challenging for them to design it, considering the acoustic principles.
And here Seeed provides the answer with ReSpeaker USB Mic Array:
The difference between the PCBA inside ReSpeaker USB Mic Array and Respeaker Mic Array V2.0:
Trang chủ nhà sản xuất và hướng dẫn sử dụng.