Lưu ý: robot không đi kèm mạch Jetson Orin Nano, Quý Khách cần mua thêm theo link dưới đây:
The UGV Rover is an AI robot designed for exploration and creation, with excellent expansion potential, seamlessly connecting your imagination with reality. Suitable for tech enthusiasts, makers, or beginners in programming, it is your ideal choice for exploring the world of intelligent technology.
Equipped with the high-performance Jetson Orin series computer to meet the challenges of complex strategies and functions, and inspire your creativity. Adopts dual-controller design, combines the high-level AI functions of the host controller with the high-frequency basic operations of the sub controller, making every operation accurate and smooth.
Easy to be controlled remotely via UGV Rover Web Application without downloading any software, just open your browser and start your journey. Supports high-frame rate real-time video transmission and multiple AI Computer Vision functions, the UGV Rover is an ideal platform to realize your ideas and creativity!
SKU: 27772
Part Number: UGV Rover PT Jetson Orin AI Kit Acce (EN)
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Mọi thắc mắc về việc mua hàng xin Quý Khách liên hệ qua Zalo: Hshopvn - Điện tử và Robot hoặc số điện thoại: 028.6670.4455 / 0934.022.500 để được hỗ trợ sớm nhất, cảm ơn quý khách đã ủng hộ Hshop.vn!
Lưu ý: robot không đi kèm mạch Jetson Orin Nano, Quý Khách cần mua thêm theo link dưới đây:
The UGV Rover is an AI robot designed for exploration and creation, with excellent expansion potential, seamlessly connecting your imagination with reality. Suitable for tech enthusiasts, makers, or beginners in programming, it is your ideal choice for exploring the world of intelligent technology.
Equipped with the high-performance Jetson Orin series computer to meet the challenges of complex strategies and functions, and inspire your creativity. Adopts dual-controller design, combines the high-level AI functions of the host controller with the high-frequency basic operations of the sub controller, making every operation accurate and smooth.
Easy to be controlled remotely via UGV Rover Web Application without downloading any software, just open your browser and start your journey. Supports high-frame rate real-time video transmission and multiple AI Computer Vision functions, the UGV Rover is an ideal platform to realize your ideas and creativity!
SKU: 27772
Part Number: UGV Rover PT Jetson Orin AI Kit Acce (EN)
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