Lưu ý:
This Long Range Ultrasonic Distance Sensor was actually designed to be used with the APM Flight Controller Module to be used in Drones - RC Quadcopter and Planes but can also be used as a general purpose distance sensor with the Arduino or the Raspberry Pi. You can use this sensor with the APM Flight controller to help your drone with Automatic Takeoff, Landing, Terrain Following, Obstacle Avoidance, etc. If you plan to use this sensor as a distance sensor with the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any other general purpose micro controller, it offers many different interfaces - Serial TTL, PWM, I2C, etc. You can use any one of these interfaces to use this module!
Electrical Specifications
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Mọi thắc mắc về việc mua hàng xin Quý Khách liên hệ qua Zalo: Hshopvn - Điện tử và Robot hoặc số điện thoại: 028.6670.4455 / 0934.022.500 để được hỗ trợ sớm nhất, cảm ơn quý khách đã ủng hộ Hshop.vn!
Lưu ý:
This Long Range Ultrasonic Distance Sensor was actually designed to be used with the APM Flight Controller Module to be used in Drones - RC Quadcopter and Planes but can also be used as a general purpose distance sensor with the Arduino or the Raspberry Pi. You can use this sensor with the APM Flight controller to help your drone with Automatic Takeoff, Landing, Terrain Following, Obstacle Avoidance, etc. If you plan to use this sensor as a distance sensor with the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any other general purpose micro controller, it offers many different interfaces - Serial TTL, PWM, I2C, etc. You can use any one of these interfaces to use this module!
Electrical Specifications