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Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

Loại: Default
Thương hiệu: DFRobot
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Mã sản phẩm: HS1878
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Cam kết

  • Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán
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  • Vận chuyển nhanh chóng Vận chuyển nhanh chóng
  • Bảo hành trách nhiệm Bảo hành trách nhiệm

Khuyến mại

  • Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các  đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)
Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids được sử dụng để đo mực chất lỏng có độ nhớt cao (High-Viscosity) và ăn mòn thấp (low-corrosive) như dầu bôi trơn, mỡ, mực và các vật liệu đặc biệt, cảm biến có thể tuỳ chỉnh độ nhạy để phù hợp với từng loại vật liệu, cảm biến có độ bền và độ ổn định cao có thể sử dụng trong công nghiệp.
Different from our previous liquid level sensors, this capacitive liquid sensor can be used to detect high-viscosity and low-corrosive liquids, such as glue, lubricating oil, grease, ink, engine oil, powder and other special materials. 
The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by the knob (clockwise to increase, counterclockwise to decrease) to adapt to more media. It has an indicator light to feedback the sensor status in real time, and comes with polarity protection and over-current protection mechanism. 
Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor Capacitance contact detection: Determine whether there is liquid and distinguish between liquids by detecting the capacitance of the liquid. 
  • Conical head of anti-hanging-liquid design: Reduces the phenomenon of hanging liquid in detecting. 
  • Special circuit design: Even if there are liquid residues, foam, scabs, etc. in the probe part, the appearance of false signals can be avoided by adjusting the sensitivity. 
  • Stability design: With temperature compensation, the liquid level sensor can detect stably in the range of low temperature -25°C and high temperature 75°C. These detailed designs ensure the stability of detection performance to a large extent. 
  • Material: The head is made of PEEK material, the shell is made of 316 stainless steel, with general anti-corrosion performance, M12*1 standard thread, easy to install.

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

The liquid sensor should not be used in the following cases: 

  • Temperature exceeds 75°C 
  • Pressure higher than 0.3MP 
  • There is dry glue on the probe that can't be removed
  • Can detect high viscosity and low corrosive liquids 
  • Conical head of anti-hanging-liquid design 
  • NPN+PNP dual output 
  • Detect high viscosity and low corrosive liquids
Thông số kỹ thuật:
  • SKU: SEN0507
  • Model: DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids
  • Detection Mode: Contact detection
  • Detection Principle: Capacitive detection
  • Power Supply Voltage: 12-24V
  • Detection Object: High viscosity and low corrosive liquid
  • Speed: Response speed is 20ms, switch output frequency is 50Hz
  • Output Signal: NPN+PNP Dual Output
  • Output Current: Max100mA
  • Working Power: <0.5W
  • Working Temperature: -25°C~+80°C
  • Protection Level: IP65
  • Appearance Material: PEEK/316 stainless steel
  • Protection Mechanism: Polarity protection, over-current protection
  • Wiring Instructions: Brown-positive, blue-negative, black-NPN, white-PNP
Bộ sản phẩm bao gồm:
  • Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids x1
  • Screwdriver x1

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

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Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids giá chỉ 1.650.000₫

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Thông số kỹ thuật

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids được sử dụng để đo mực chất lỏng có độ nhớt cao (High-Viscosity) và ăn mòn thấp (low-corrosive) như dầu bôi trơn, mỡ, mực và các vật liệu đặc biệt, cảm biến có thể tuỳ chỉnh độ nhạy để phù hợp với từng loại vật liệu, cảm biến có độ bền và độ ổn định cao có thể sử dụng trong công nghiệp.
Different from our previous liquid level sensors, this capacitive liquid sensor can be used to detect high-viscosity and low-corrosive liquids, such as glue, lubricating oil, grease, ink, engine oil, powder and other special materials. 
The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by the knob (clockwise to increase, counterclockwise to decrease) to adapt to more media. It has an indicator light to feedback the sensor status in real time, and comes with polarity protection and over-current protection mechanism. 
Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor Capacitance contact detection: Determine whether there is liquid and distinguish between liquids by detecting the capacitance of the liquid. 
  • Conical head of anti-hanging-liquid design: Reduces the phenomenon of hanging liquid in detecting. 
  • Special circuit design: Even if there are liquid residues, foam, scabs, etc. in the probe part, the appearance of false signals can be avoided by adjusting the sensitivity. 
  • Stability design: With temperature compensation, the liquid level sensor can detect stably in the range of low temperature -25°C and high temperature 75°C. These detailed designs ensure the stability of detection performance to a large extent. 
  • Material: The head is made of PEEK material, the shell is made of 316 stainless steel, with general anti-corrosion performance, M12*1 standard thread, easy to install.

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

The liquid sensor should not be used in the following cases: 

  • Temperature exceeds 75°C 
  • Pressure higher than 0.3MP 
  • There is dry glue on the probe that can't be removed
  • Can detect high viscosity and low corrosive liquids 
  • Conical head of anti-hanging-liquid design 
  • NPN+PNP dual output 
  • Detect high viscosity and low corrosive liquids
Thông số kỹ thuật:
  • SKU: SEN0507
  • Model: DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids
  • Detection Mode: Contact detection
  • Detection Principle: Capacitive detection
  • Power Supply Voltage: 12-24V
  • Detection Object: High viscosity and low corrosive liquid
  • Speed: Response speed is 20ms, switch output frequency is 50Hz
  • Output Signal: NPN+PNP Dual Output
  • Output Current: Max100mA
  • Working Power: <0.5W
  • Working Temperature: -25°C~+80°C
  • Protection Level: IP65
  • Appearance Material: PEEK/316 stainless steel
  • Protection Mechanism: Polarity protection, over-current protection
  • Wiring Instructions: Brown-positive, blue-negative, black-NPN, white-PNP
Bộ sản phẩm bao gồm:
  • Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids x1
  • Screwdriver x1

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

Cảm biến mực chất lỏng DFRobot Industrial Capacitive Liquid Level Sensor for High-Viscosity Liquids

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