Cảm biến ánh sáng DFRobot Gravity: I2C IP68 Waterproof Ambient Light Sensor (1-65535lx) được sử dụng để đo cường độ sáng của môi trường với độ chính xác và độ bền cao, ngoài ra cảm biến còn có chuẩn chống nước IP68 và trả giá trị qua giao tiếp I2C rất dễ kết nối, sử dụng và lập trình, phù hợp với các ứng dụng đo cường độ ánh sáng: nông nghiệp thông minh, dự báo thời tiết,...
What is an Ambient Light Sensor?
An ambient light sensor is a type of sensor that measures the amount of light in the surrounding environment. These sensors can be used in various applications, including lighting and backlighting control and ambient light sensing.
It is also used in greenhouses to assess the exposure of plants to light and ensure they are getting enough light for optimal growth.
Waterproof Digital Ambient Light Sensor Introduction
This waterproof digital ambient light sensor is designed to deliver accurate measurements of light intensity within the range of 1-65535 lx. It incorporates a 50Hz/60Hz light noise rejection function that ensures stable and reliable performance.
With an easy-to-use Gravity interface and I2C communication, the ambient light sensor is incredibly user-friendly for use with microcontrollers like the Arduino UNO. Plus, the sensor features an IP68 waterproof rating, which means it can be fully immersed in water without suffering any damage. This makes it perfect for outdoor projects that require reliable light measurement in harsh environments, such as vegetable greenhouses, smart car lights, and weather stations.
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Cảm biến ánh sáng DFRobot Gravity: I2C IP68 Waterproof Ambient Light Sensor (1-65535lx) được sử dụng để đo cường độ sáng của môi trường với độ chính xác và độ bền cao, ngoài ra cảm biến còn có chuẩn chống nước IP68 và trả giá trị qua giao tiếp I2C rất dễ kết nối, sử dụng và lập trình, phù hợp với các ứng dụng đo cường độ ánh sáng: nông nghiệp thông minh, dự báo thời tiết,...
What is an Ambient Light Sensor?
An ambient light sensor is a type of sensor that measures the amount of light in the surrounding environment. These sensors can be used in various applications, including lighting and backlighting control and ambient light sensing.
It is also used in greenhouses to assess the exposure of plants to light and ensure they are getting enough light for optimal growth.
Waterproof Digital Ambient Light Sensor Introduction
This waterproof digital ambient light sensor is designed to deliver accurate measurements of light intensity within the range of 1-65535 lx. It incorporates a 50Hz/60Hz light noise rejection function that ensures stable and reliable performance.
With an easy-to-use Gravity interface and I2C communication, the ambient light sensor is incredibly user-friendly for use with microcontrollers like the Arduino UNO. Plus, the sensor features an IP68 waterproof rating, which means it can be fully immersed in water without suffering any damage. This makes it perfect for outdoor projects that require reliable light measurement in harsh environments, such as vegetable greenhouses, smart car lights, and weather stations.
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