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Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board

Loại: Default
Thương hiệu: Waveshare
Tình trạng: Còn hàng
Mã sản phẩm: HS1537
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  • Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán Kiểm tra sản phẩm trước khi bán
  • Tư vấn tận tâm Tư vấn tận tâm
  • Vận chuyển nhanh chóng Vận chuyển nhanh chóng
  • Bảo hành trách nhiệm Bảo hành trách nhiệm

Khuyến mại

  • Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các  đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)Miễn phí Giao hàng thông thường (3-5 ngày) cho các đơn hàng thanh toán chuyển khoản trước, có trị giá > 2tr trên Toàn Quốc (ngoại trừ các đơn hàng nặng trên 500g)


SKU: 6974
Part Number: OpenEP4CE10-C Package A

OpenEP4CE10-C is an FPGA development board that consists of the mother board DVK600 and the FPGA core board CoreEP4CE10.

OpenEP4CE10-C supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with ALTERA Cyclone IV series FPGA devices. OpenEP4CE10-C enables you to start your design with the Nios II processor easily and quickly.

What's on the mother board

Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board


  1. FPGA CPLD core board connector: for easily connecting core boards which integrate an FPGA CPLD chip onboard
  2. 8I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  3. 8I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  4. 16I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  5. 16I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  6. 32I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  7. 32I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  8. 32I/Os_3 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules

All the I/O interfaces above:

  • capable of being simulated as USART, I2C, SPI, PS/2, etc.
  • capable of driving devices such as FRAM, FLASH, USB, Ethernet, etc.
  1. SDRAM interface
    • for connecting SDRAM accessory board
    • also works as FPGA CPLD pins expansion connectors
  2. LCD interface, for connecting LCD22, LCD12864, LCD1602
  3. ONE-WIRE interface: easily connects to ONE-WIRE devices (TO-92 package), such as temperature sensor (DS18B20), electronic registration number (DS2401), etc.
  4. 5V DC jack
  5. Joystick: five positions
  6. Buzzer
  7. Potentiometer: for LCD22 backlight adjustment, or LCD12864, LCD1602 contrast adjustment
  8. Power switch
  9. Buzzer jumper
  10. ONE-WIRE jumper
  11. Joystick jumper

For jumpers 17-19:

  • short the jumper to connect to I/Os used in example code
  • open the jumper to connect to other custom pins via jumper wires

The DVK600 supports a wide range of different core boards, therefore, some of the interfaces may be Not-Connected and useless while connecting to certain core board. For instance, while connecting to Core3S500E/CoreEP2C8, the '⑧ 32I/Os_3' is Not-Connected

What's on the CoreEP4CE10

Mạch Waveshare FPGA CoreEP4CE10, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Core Board

  1. EP4CE10F17C8N:the ALTERA Cyclone IV FPGA device which features:
    • Operating Frequency: 50MHz
    • Operating Voltage: 1.15V~3.465V
    • Package: BGA256
    • I/Os: 164
    • LEs: 10K
    • RAM: 414kb
    • PLLs: 2
    • Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG
  2. AMS1117-3.3 (on bottom side), 3.3V voltage regulator
  3. AMS1117-2.5 (on bottom side), 2.5V voltage regulator
  4. AMS1117-1.2 (on bottom side), 1.2V voltage regulator
  5. EPCS16, onboard serial FLASH memory, for storing code
  6. Power indicator
  7. LEDs
  8. Reset button
  9. nCONFIG button: for re-configuring the FPGA chip, the equivalent of power reseting
  10. 50M active crystal
  11. JTAG interface: for debugging/programming
  12. FPGA pins expander, VCC, GND and all the I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion

Development Resources

  • Related Software (Quaters II, NIOS II etc.)
  • Demo Code (Verilog, VHDL and NIOS II C)
  • Schematic (PDF)
  • FPGA Development Documentations (Datasheets etc.)

Wiki: www.waveshare.com/wiki/OpenEP4CE10-C

Package Contains

Standard Package

  1. OpenEP4CE10-C development board x 1
  2. 4-pin wire x 2
  3. 2-pin wire x 2
  4. USB power cable x 1

Accessory Boards Package A

  1. 3.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD x 1
  2. 3.2inch LCD Adapter (B) x 1
  3. VGA PS2 Board x 1
  4. PL2303 USB UART Board (mini) x 1
  5. NorFlash Board (B) x 1
  6. SDRAM Board (B) x 1
  7. Micro SD Storage Board x 1
  8. AT45DBXX DataFlash Board x 1
  9. FM24CLXX FRAM Board x 1
  10. CY7C68013A USB Board (mini) x 1
  11. ENC28J60 Ethernet Board x 1
  12. PCF8563 RTC Board x 1
  13. DS18B20 x 1
  14. USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1

Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board


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Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board giá chỉ 3.950.000₫

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Thông số kỹ thuật


SKU: 6974
Part Number: OpenEP4CE10-C Package A

OpenEP4CE10-C is an FPGA development board that consists of the mother board DVK600 and the FPGA core board CoreEP4CE10.

OpenEP4CE10-C supports further expansion with various optional accessory boards for specific application. The modular and open design makes it the ideal for starting application development with ALTERA Cyclone IV series FPGA devices. OpenEP4CE10-C enables you to start your design with the Nios II processor easily and quickly.

What's on the mother board

Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board


  1. FPGA CPLD core board connector: for easily connecting core boards which integrate an FPGA CPLD chip onboard
  2. 8I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  3. 8I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  4. 16I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  5. 16I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  6. 32I/Os_1 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  7. 32I/Os_2 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules
  8. 32I/Os_3 interface, for connecting accessory boards/modules

All the I/O interfaces above:

  • capable of being simulated as USART, I2C, SPI, PS/2, etc.
  • capable of driving devices such as FRAM, FLASH, USB, Ethernet, etc.
  1. SDRAM interface
    • for connecting SDRAM accessory board
    • also works as FPGA CPLD pins expansion connectors
  2. LCD interface, for connecting LCD22, LCD12864, LCD1602
  3. ONE-WIRE interface: easily connects to ONE-WIRE devices (TO-92 package), such as temperature sensor (DS18B20), electronic registration number (DS2401), etc.
  4. 5V DC jack
  5. Joystick: five positions
  6. Buzzer
  7. Potentiometer: for LCD22 backlight adjustment, or LCD12864, LCD1602 contrast adjustment
  8. Power switch
  9. Buzzer jumper
  10. ONE-WIRE jumper
  11. Joystick jumper

For jumpers 17-19:

  • short the jumper to connect to I/Os used in example code
  • open the jumper to connect to other custom pins via jumper wires

The DVK600 supports a wide range of different core boards, therefore, some of the interfaces may be Not-Connected and useless while connecting to certain core board. For instance, while connecting to Core3S500E/CoreEP2C8, the '⑧ 32I/Os_3' is Not-Connected

What's on the CoreEP4CE10

Mạch Waveshare FPGA CoreEP4CE10, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Core Board

  1. EP4CE10F17C8N:the ALTERA Cyclone IV FPGA device which features:
    • Operating Frequency: 50MHz
    • Operating Voltage: 1.15V~3.465V
    • Package: BGA256
    • I/Os: 164
    • LEs: 10K
    • RAM: 414kb
    • PLLs: 2
    • Debugging/Programming: supports JTAG
  2. AMS1117-3.3 (on bottom side), 3.3V voltage regulator
  3. AMS1117-2.5 (on bottom side), 2.5V voltage regulator
  4. AMS1117-1.2 (on bottom side), 1.2V voltage regulator
  5. EPCS16, onboard serial FLASH memory, for storing code
  6. Power indicator
  7. LEDs
  8. Reset button
  9. nCONFIG button: for re-configuring the FPGA chip, the equivalent of power reseting
  10. 50M active crystal
  11. JTAG interface: for debugging/programming
  12. FPGA pins expander, VCC, GND and all the I/O ports are accessible on expansion connectors for further expansion

Development Resources

  • Related Software (Quaters II, NIOS II etc.)
  • Demo Code (Verilog, VHDL and NIOS II C)
  • Schematic (PDF)
  • FPGA Development Documentations (Datasheets etc.)

Wiki: www.waveshare.com/wiki/OpenEP4CE10-C

Package Contains

Standard Package

  1. OpenEP4CE10-C development board x 1
  2. 4-pin wire x 2
  3. 2-pin wire x 2
  4. USB power cable x 1

Accessory Boards Package A

  1. 3.2inch 320x240 Touch LCD x 1
  2. 3.2inch LCD Adapter (B) x 1
  3. VGA PS2 Board x 1
  4. PL2303 USB UART Board (mini) x 1
  5. NorFlash Board (B) x 1
  6. SDRAM Board (B) x 1
  7. Micro SD Storage Board x 1
  8. AT45DBXX DataFlash Board x 1
  9. FM24CLXX FRAM Board x 1
  10. CY7C68013A USB Board (mini) x 1
  11. ENC28J60 Ethernet Board x 1
  12. PCF8563 RTC Board x 1
  13. DS18B20 x 1
  14. USB type A plug to mini-B plug cable x 1

Kit phát triển Waveshare FPGA OpenEP4CE10-C Package A, ALTERA Cyclone IV EP4CE10 Development Board


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